Blogger flubs
Remember when I helped Lorraine figure out why her list of blogs had this gap between two of the links? Of course you don't. Well, in adding the blogs I read to my RSS feed in Outlook 2007 Beta, I discovered that the link I had to JLow's blog wasn't there. First I thought maybe her blog went away. Silly me. Of course it's still there. It was obviously an error on my end. One look at my link list - well, a couple looks really, because it was such a small error it was hard to catch - and I found the problem. Frakkin' HTML coding errors! Grrrr. Instead of an = sign in the link code, I had a - sign. Doh! That'll break the link for sure. So, the link to The Complaint Department has been fixed. And I'll be adding some blogs to the list in the next couple of days, once I've caught up on Lorraine's and Charlie's blogs, and have gotten at least some work done.