Thursday, March 22, 2007

Spring Things

My crocuses are blooming! I pulled away the dead leaf mulch that has protected them all winter to reveal their gold and purple blooms. I won't actually get to see them open until this weekend, since they are still closed when I leave in the morning, and are closed for the night when I get home. I love these colorful little welcomers of Spring. Soon, I'll see my Siberian Squill poke their little blooms up. The greenery of the daffodils and tulips is coming up - thrusting up through the cold, wet dirt higher and higher each day. Even our grass is greening up.

I was going to take a picture of my fingernails. I like to call my current look the "garden manicure". The dirt you get under your nails is so hard to get out, and who has time for gloves when you're doing some impromptu gardening as you're heading to the car on your way to work? So, my right hand has traces of dirt embedded under my nails, and the nails themselves are sort of ragged, while my left hand, which was holding my purse and cell phone during this little gardening moment, has nice, clean, smooth nails. So gauche.

This weekend will certainly entail some serious gardening, unless it snows, which has been known to happen in late March. Heck, it's been known to happen on July 4th! Anyway, I'm going to get all my pots ready, plant some actual seeds, put them in my actual little greenhouse, and maybe, for once, have my own pony packs to start my flowerpots instead of having to go buy them. Yeah, that's my plan. Let's see if it pans out.

(It was time to get off politics and controversy and back to more fun topics.)