Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Honi Kaua Wiki Wiki

Today I have been at a workshop - two actually. Workshop 1 was on podcasting. It's something we may start using at the library for storytimes, weekly announcements, etc. Workshop 2 was on wikis. Okay, this one is cool. I have actually started a wiki at the library on our staff page. What we did as an exercise in this workshop today was create a wiki of our own. So, I created, logically, "eclecticdefined wiki". Once I get something useful on it, I'll post the link. I MAY move it to a different wiki host. The place I'm on at the moment is okay, but the templates are way limited, and they want a monthly fee to get the cool stuff - $10 a month to be precise. There are other free options, which I will be looking into.

As for the post title, when I was a kid, my little sister was about 5, my uncle was an executive for Hertz. He lived in Honolulu. He visited the mainland often. He taught us the above sentence - "honi kaua wiki wiki" - which means "kiss me quick" in Hawaiian. My little sister's nickname was "Rikki". My uncle would say "honi kaua wiki wiki, Rikki" and she would wrinkle up her nose and run to him to give him a kiss. She became our trained pet. We took great pleasure in shouting "honi kaua wiki wiki" to her at the most random moments, and she would obligingly come running, face all squinched up, to give us a kiss. Very cute. So, I knew what "wiki" meant long before it became a cool tech thing. And, by the way, wikis are way, way, way cool!

Workshop is over, so now it's time for the long drive home.