Another day, another chocolate bar
I have succumbed to the holiday. I have devoured more chocolate in the past 24 hours than I have all year. That was not my intention. In fact, my loving children and my wonderful spouse did not buy me a single piece of chocolate this Valentine's Day, opting instead for Starbucks cards and dinner. I was doing so well. Then I got to work. My mailbox was filled with about 8 or nine Hershey's kisses. Okay, I could handle that. With a Kiss coming in at about 25 calories, I would be under my caloric allotment even if I ate all of them. Phew! Then, the kids arrived after school got out. There is one patron, a 14 year-old girl who just craves attention, especially from adults, who has attached herself to me. She is one of those kids who could as easily slip through the cracks, get pregnant at a tender age, and be a welfare mom for the rest of her life as she could become the school valedictorian. She's got potential, but her energy thus far has been focused on getting boys to notice her, dressing provocatively, acting out, and breaking the rules on a regular basis. Surprisingly, despite this behavior, she managed to get decent grades last semester. I have had many, many chats with her and her girlfriends, girls in similar straits, in an attempt to get them to see how inappropriate their behavior is and to encourage them to do something constructive and positive. I guess the fact that I actually speak to them with respect and try to work with them, rather than look down my nose at them, scold them, and speak them as though they were the last people I wanted to see, has made me their friend. Yesterday, to my surprise and delight, Megan brought me a basket with a little stuffed bear, a heart-shaped photo frame, and way too much chocolate for one trying to lose weight, as a Valentine's Day gift. I was humbled by her gift. I hugged her and asked her to bring me a photo of her for the frame, which I promised to put on my desk. She ran home to get one. She really just wants attention from an adult so bad it breaks my heart. I know her family situation is a confusing one. She lives with her father and his girlfriend. Her mother lives several hours away and doesn't want her to live with her. No wonder she needs my attention. So, thanks to Megan, I overdosed on chocolate yesterday. Then, today, the daughter of some dear friends came in selling candy bars to raise money for camp this summer. How on earth could I say no? I bought my favorite - a chocolate bar with almonds - and then ate every bit of it. Had to destroy the evidence. Too bad it will show up on my hips. :( Tomorrow, double duty on the treadmill!