Friday, October 20, 2006

Me Time

This is one of those rare luxuries I just had to take advantage of. I got home about 5:50 PM tonight. The Spouse is just now on his way back to his HQ, an hour away, which means I have about two hours to myself! That almost never happens in the evening. I just need to pop dinner into the oven at about 7:30. Other than that, I get to do what I want. I'm paying no attention whatsoever to the stack of laundry that I have folded, but that is still on the sofa waiting to be put away. I'm also paying no attention to my cat, who is head butting me, trying to get me to open another can of cat food for her. She has dry food. I gave her her nightly portion of canned food (half of one of those small Fancy Feast cans). She's just pulling a typical kid trick - begging to see if she can wear my resistance down. No way. She'll give up soon and go eat her dry food. I am going to read the posts of my fellow bloggers, then settle in for some TiVo watching. I TiVo a few shows The Spouse doesn't watch, so this will be a great time to watch them. So yeah...some me time. Very hard to come by.

Oh, I almost got arrested tonight. Well, probably not arrested, but some darned fool set the alarm at work tonight - while I was still inside! They even asked if I was going to be there late, had to walk past my car in the parking lot, and yet still set the alarm. I got up to leave, walked out onto the main floor upstairs, and heard this chirping. It took me a minute to realize what it was. The disarming pad is all the way downstairs and by the exit, so it took me a good three minutes to get to it. By the time I disarmed it, gathered my stuff, and prepared to leave, resetting the alarm as I left, the cops were there. I had to show them my driver's license, even though I was wearing my work ID, and had a building key and the alarm code (duh!). Finally, a cop that knew me drove up. We laughed about how embarrassing it was, and then I was on my way. Boy, am I going to have a few choice words for my coworkers on Monday. Sheesh.

Now, on to the TiVo.