Politics and Religion
As much as is humanly possible (and that's pretty often), I avoid discussions on these two topics like the plague. For one thing, discussions of this nature, unless with someone who shares your political or religious leanings, usually are not pleasant. They may start off benignly, may even seem to go well, but more than likely, deep down inside, someone goes away from the "discussion" feeling angry, hurt, upset, attacked, or even harboring negative feelings toward the other person. It's not a good thing.
Why do we feel compelled to share our often vitriolic comments about the "other point of view" on these topics with everyone within earshot? What good comes of it? Do we think we're going to somehow convince our opponents that our viewpoint is, in fact, right, that we are the possessor of the one truth, the more caring, humane, wonderful human being, and that they have simply been misled, duped, led astray, all these years by the purveyors of their point of view? Do we actually believe that "we" are right and "they" are wrong, simple as that, black and white? I certainly hope that's not the case! Each of us has, hopefully, come by our convictions through soul-searching, research, study, education, seeking out the thoughts and opinions of those we respect, taking it all in, boiling it all down, and then finally coming to our own conclusions, developing our own opinions. If we have done so, why do we not give our "opponents" credit for also having done so. Instead, we too often treat those who believe differently than we as morons, idiots, sycophants, uneducated fools, and worse. It happens on, as they say, both sides of the aisle. Conservatives are as guilty as liberals, Christians as guilty as atheists. It makes me sick. I'm tired of the name-calling. I'm tired of the lack of tolerance - and I don't mean the PC kind of tolerance. I mean tolerance of a fellow human being who just has a different opinion about things.
I suppose the war brings out the worst in people. It happened during Vietnam, maybe during WW II and we just weren't around to know, and it's happening now. It's not that I'm for or against the war (I'm not sharing my opinion on that topic here), it's just that I read so many articles, hear so many things in television interviews, read blogs and blog comments, and it seems so many people are so hateful toward the point of view that doesn't mesh with their own, that it makes me ache inside. If you don't like things, politically, then vote. If you don't vote, shut up. We live in a representative democracy, which means the side with the most votes wins. If you don't like that, maybe you'd better think about relocating. At any given time, some folks are in the minority, others are in the majority, and the two change positions often it seems. It's kind of like the weather here, if you don't like it, wait 15 minutes, it's bound to change. The political weather seems to change almost as frequently. If you really don't like things, do something constructive about it - run for office, vote, campaign, volunteer, whatever, just DO something. But don't just sit around bitching about the current state of affairs, denigrating those in power, regurgitating what the media, with all their various biases, spews 24/7 as if it's the Gospel, and puffing out your chest in "I told you so" vainglory when the "other side" gets caught with its hand in the cookie jar. The tables will be turned before you know it. That's just the nature of things.
Religion is another hot button. I have very strong beliefs, but I don't run around trying to browbeat everyone into believing as I do, nor do I belittle someone for believing differently. I just don't think that's my job in this life. Do I think some religious groups are being harassed, their point of view being scoffed at, belittled, even opressed? Absolutely! But I also think a lot of that behavior comes from some who consider themselves very religious, not just the secular. Christians fight amongst themselves far too often, one denomination claiming it is the true Christian church, denouncing all others as false doctrine. People of various religions have been persecuted horribly throughout history, Jews, Muslims, Hindu, Pagans, Buddhists, and Christians alike (and half a thousand others I've not listed). It's just plain wrong - as wrong as it is to persecute someone for the color of their skin, their caste, their lack of intelligence, or their politics. Why are humans so darned awful to each other? I just don't get it. My best friend is my polar opposite on the subject of politics and religion. We don't discuss these topics much, though our beliefs do color things we say, our perceptions of things that go on around us at work, and the like. But we don't view those beliefs as hindrances to our friendship. We have each come to appreciate the other's point of view and understand why they would believe as they do, despite the fact that we believe so differently. She has come to realize that not everyone of my political persuasion is a selfish bastard and I have come to realize that not everyone of her political persuasion is a moron. Why can't people STOP labeling and criticizing and start just appreciating people and all their varied stances on things? I hate it.
Phew! I had to get that off my chest. Now off to read much more interesting stuff, like the new scandal brewing on Charlie's blog, what with his impending divorce and whatnot! :)