Fact or fiction?
I stumbled across a really interesting blog yesterday. Actually, interesting is too bland a word. The blog is called Waiting for Bloggo – a play on Waiting for Godot. The link is http://waitingforbloggo.blogspot.com. It is purported to be a team blog, maintained by david and elizabeth – they use lower case letters when they speak of and to one another. To really get a feel for this blog, one must read it from the beginning. I initially believed it to be truly a team blog, with postings by two individuals. As I’ve now read all of it through today’s posting, I have come to believe it is a carefully constructed piece of fiction posing as a team blog. It is quite well written and the feeling that it is actually a team blog with postings by two different individuals is hard to shake, but too often the writing styles and cadences are too similar to be merely coincidence. There are also too many coincidences in their lives to be simply serendipity. Nonetheless, it is entertaining in the way a good piece of fiction is entertaining. I find myself returning to it regularly, looking for the next chapter in their “love story” as it unfolds before me. One thing it does is makes me want to write better. Some of the descriptive passages by “elizabeth” are so very well written it almost breaks my heart. I started off trying to write interesting, thought-provoking, well constructed posts on this blog. I have missed the mark more often than not. Too often I simply write the way I speak – quickly, voluminously, and without much content. I need to do better. Another thing this blog has done is point me to a few other interesting blogs, some of which I will link to. It has also made me ponder the idea of creating a completely anonymous blog like david and elizabeth’s in which I can pour out my soul without fear of retribution or discovery. Perhaps blogging should be more anonymous and hence, more honest. It’s a thought.