Thursday, November 16, 2006

It's Official

I saw this on Grish's blog, so I had to do it myself:

My computer geek score is greater than 100% of all people in the world! How do you compare? Click here to find out!

Okay, I always knew I was a geek, but now it's official. I am a major geek. I was a bit surprised at the score, considering I didn't answer all the questions as I know a lot of true geeks would. I suspect my age, gender, and the fact that I have played Pong on an Atari system, bumped my score up. Seriously, how many 51 year-old females do you know who know who Samuel Cray is, or who have programmed in BASIC? I think those questions must have been worth bonus points.

Thanks, Grish, for the link. It was fun. And by the way, you should all stop by his blog. It's newly redesigned, and is beautiful, but beyond that, it's interesting. I've added him to my list of blogs on the left.