To blog or not to blog
Sometimes I wonder why I bother to blog. Is it pure vanity? Is it because I imagine people are reading it and just not commenting? I have a stat counter on my page that shows the bitter truth – I don’t have many readers. I think I might have two or three die hard “fans”; thank you JoAnn, Lynsey, and Shaun. I got into this blogging thing after getting hooked on Nathan’s blog. He has over 23,000 hits! How did his blog become so popular? Is it simply that he has a ton of friends who read his informative and interesting posts regularly? Is it because he’s young, and what he writes about is way more interesting than what a 50 year old library technology person writes about? Is it because my generation really doesn’t, for the most part, “get” blogs, so my audience is limited as a result? Maybe. It is a bit discouraging, though, to write something knowing very few people will read it – or care that you wrote it. I guess that is ego, isn’t it? If I were approaching this blog as a kind of journal, it wouldn’t matter if anyone read it. I would be writing for my own satisfaction, not for an audience. But to be effective as a journal, I would have to write a lot of really personal stuff that I wouldn’t necessarily want to be read by anyone other than myself. So the journal aspect is out. If not a journal, then what? Obviously, I am writing for an audience, hence my dismay at the lack of one. I must admit, having very limited readership does make updating a lower priority. I could better communicate with the three people who read my blog via email on a much more personal level and get immediate feedback from them. This is a dilemma. To blog or not to blog. That is the question. I suppose, until I feel very strongly one way or the other, I’ll maintain the status quo, which is to continue posting on an irregular schedule. I should probably pray about this and about why I’m doing this and see if God has any insights for me. Yeah, that’s the ticket.