Microsoft Office 2007 Beta
I just installed the Office 2007 beta and all I can say is “wow!” The interface for the familiar apps – Word, Excel, Publisher, and even Outlook, is completely new. I’m still getting used to the “toolbars”, such as they are. They are completely different and very functional, once you become accustomed to them. Outlook has one feature I really like. You can flag an email for follow up, and instead of the silly blue, red, orange, etc. flags, you select today, tomorrow, this week, next week, and the item is then put into a to do list that shows up on the right side of your screen. That is cool. One feature of Word 2007 is the option to blog the post. So… this is my first attempt at blogging a post from this beta. That’s the sole reason for this post, so please bear with me. Edit: a glitch in the publishing feature has been uncovered. I tried to publish this post, and it would not let me, saying I was either not connected to the internet, Blogger was unavailable, or my password was incorrect, all of which were false. I tried "publish as draft" and lo and behold, it worked. So, a kink Microsoft needs to work out, hence the reason for betas. Aside from that, this could prove to be a nice feature since I do my best typing in Word, what with auto-correction of typos and whatnot (gotta love those whatnots).